Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (c)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Season of the Year. (c)

Weekdays – Year 2

Sunday 22nd May:          Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. (c)

The first reading today is from the Book of Proverbs. It is in praise of the wisdom of God and is part of the journey to deepening our understanding of the mystery of the Trinity.

The second reading is from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans. He highlights that Jesus made it possible for us to have a relationship with God. This can give us hope and strength in time of suffering and difficulty.

In the Gospel, Jesus tells us everything the Father has is his and he promises the coming of the Spirit of Truth.


Monday 23rd May:                   Monday in 8th week of the year.

                      St. Peter’s first letter is very pastoral in its tone and its content. It was written to Christians scattered throughout the various provinces of Asia Minor. It aims to encourage and support these new converts in the face of the real practical problems and crises they faced in their daily lives. This opening section is a powerful prayer that sums up the key elements in the Christian teaching. It is a blessing or thanksgiving to God for the salvation, which he has achieved through Jesus Christ.

Jesus teaches that the commandments of the law are the first basic rules of good living. He presents great ideals for us to follow. Those who are rich would find these hard to follow due to the distraction and temptation their money would bring.


Tuesday 24th May:                   Tuesday in 8th week of the year.

Peter tells his readers to realise they are specially privileged. Because of their calling, they are to be filled with joy and be holy in all that they do despite their sharing in the sufferings of Christ as well.

Those who do try to follow the ideals of Jesus Christ and leave everything and everyone to follow him will definitely receive their rewards. It will be eternal life.


Wednesday 25th May:            Wednesday in 8th week of the year.

          Peter asks the Christians to be faithful to their conversion, to remember the price of their ransom

Jesus reminds us that suffering is very much part of the lot of Christians just as it was the lot of Jesus himself. Linked with this is the need for service, given with generosity. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. We should be the same.


Thursday 26th May:                Memorial of St. Philip Neri.

          St. Philip was born in Florence in 1515.He travelled to Rome in his late teens and spent a long period of time in prayer. After further study he went to work with then people whose faithwas weak. He was ordained in 1551. He was later joined by a group of priests who had similar ideals and they came to be known as the Oratorians. He died in 1595.


Friday 27th May:                      Friday in 8th week of the year

          The reading moves to the end of Peter’s letter where he lists the kind of things the community should be showing and living.

The Gospel provides us with two lessons. Respect the house of God and the need to have faith in God when we pray. Our prayer should always ask for forgiveness and then we also need to show forgiveness.


Saturday 28th May:                  Saturday on 8th week of the year.

The cycle of Peter’s letters is interrupted with a reading from the letter of St. Jude. Various heresies are growing and Jude is at pains combat these. The early community must build on the solid foundation of their faith. It finishes with a great prayer of praise to God for all he has done.

The chief priests are still trying to catch Jesus out but he outwits them by turning their question back on them. Basically he is telling them to watch and listen and then they will know who he is and why he has come.




Glory be to the Father

And to the Son

And to the Holy Spirit

As it was in the beginning

Is now

And ever shall be

World without end
