Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (c)
This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.
Ordinary Season of the Year. (c)
Weekdays – Year 2
Sunday 29th May: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. (c)
In the first reading, from the Book of Exodus, we hear how Moses made an agreement with God on behalf of the people and sealed this ‘covenant’ in blood according to the tradition of the people.
The Letter to the Hebrews tells us how the new covenant we celebrate was sealed in the blood of Jesus himself.
Finally at the Last Supper, from St. Marks account, Jesus gives himself, his body and blood as a gift to his followers and for our salvation.
Monday 30th May: Monday in the ninth week of the year.
We move to the second Letter of St. Peter. Scholars say that this unlikely to have been written by him personally but by one his devoted followers. It reflects Peter’s teaching and deals with many topics which are still of relevance today. The early Christians are encouraged to work at goodness, self control, patience and kindness.
Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard and the unjust stewards who were like the Jewish leaders. While the crowd loved him for his story; the leaders were very angry but could do nothing.
Tuesday 31st May: Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin.
This feast was first celebrated by the Franciscans in 1263 and extended to the universal church by Pope Urban VI in 1389. It commemorates Our Lady’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. It is an occasion of a great outpouring of grace. Elizabeth welcomes her cousin as the Mother of the Lord; the yet unborn John the Baptist leaps for joy in her womb; Our Lady sings her great canticles of thanksgiving for all the God has done in her and through her.
Wednesday 1st June: Memorial of St. Justin.
Justin was born in Palestine about the beginning of the second century. He was born of pagan parents and took up philosophy as a profession. His search for ultimate truth led him to the great Christian faith. He settled in Rome and put himself at the service of the Church. In one of his books, he left an invaluable description of the Mass as celebrated at Rome in the second century. It also included a description of the ritual of Baptism. He was martyred about 165 in the period of persecution by Marcus Aurelius.
Thursday 2nd June: Thursday in the ninth week of the year.
Paul was a convert who accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey and was left by Paul in Ephesus to build up the Church there.In this extract from Paul’s letter is encouraging Timothytyeach the message he has been given and not be afraid of the difficulties he will encounter in preaching the Good News.
Jesus continues to be questioned about which of the commandments is the greatest. He gives the answer that every good Jew should know.
Friday 3rd June: Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.
Today the Church celebrates the immense love of God for us, revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. His heart is a symbol of that love.
Saturday 4th June: Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This feast has its roots in the apostolate of St. John Eudes and apostle of devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Pius XII dedicated the Church and the whole human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on December 8th 1942, the twenty fifth anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima. He placed the feast originally in August but it has now been moved to its present date to be closer to the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Sweet Heart of Jesus,
Fount of love of mercy,
To thee we come,
Thy mercy to implore.