News & Events

NEWSLETTER: Please click here to view the latest parish newsletter and scroll down for news & events.

Parish Administrator / Secretary

Our parishes are looking to recruit a Parish Administrator/Secretary, working for four (4) hours a day, twice a week; to assist with administrative tasks in relations to the two parishes of St Cuthbert’s and Our Lady’s  Currie. 
There is a need to be in the Parish office for some of the time, but working hours and days are open to negotiation.  A job description and rates of pay will be available for anyone showing an interest. Kindly contact Mary Mulligan or Val Lawrie for further details.

Catechism Class

We wish to invite and encourage candidates who are due to receive the sacrament of confirmation to please submit their consent forms as we have begun classes. Classes are ongoing every Saturday at 3pm at the parish presbytery.


Workshop for Children’s Liturgy Leaders

If you are involved with Children’s Liturgy in your parish, the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission invites you to The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, for a workshop on Children’s Liturgy of the Word. The day takes place on Saturday 22 February from 9:30am-12:00pm and will include Mass, discussion groups, a presentation on resources, and a presentation on the Liturgy of the Word within Mass. There are still a few spaces available at the event for Children’s Liturgy volunteers in your parish, so please let them know. Registration and event schedule at

Remembering Service

A prayer service those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support. Ecumenical and open to all. Sunday 2 March at 5.00pm in St John the Baptist Church, Corstorphine, 37 St Ninian’s Road, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL.

RETURN: A day to help you get back to Confession

If you have not been to confession for a while, want to learn more and go to confession, come to this event. The day includes talks, a how-to session, Q&A, prayer, and a chance to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
It takes place from 10am-4pm on Saturday 8 March at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Register on Eventbrite at

Ecumenical event

A special ecumenical event titled The role and importance of Interreligious Dialogue in Catholic Peacebuilding, takes place at the Conforti Centre in Coatbridge on 7/8 March. The event is the annual Symposium of the Bishops’ Committee for Interreligious Dialogue. All welcome. Details and registration:

Lenten Stations of the Cross

Join Catholics from across Scotland online each Monday evening in Lent for the national Stations of the Cross. Begins at 7:45pm on Monday 10 March and includes a reflection from Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen Diocese.
The event is to pray for the unborn, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Register at

Rise in Faith, Live in Hope

The Archdiocese invites high school pupils to ‘Rise in Faith, Live in Hope’ at St Francis Xavier’s Church, 11am-3pm on Saturday 15 March.
The event will provide encouragement and inspiration to help our young people grow in their faith amidst the challenges they face.
Includes Mass with Archbishop Cushley. Register at

Healing after abortion

A Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held north of Glasgow on Friday, 21 to Sunday 23 March. This confidential, supportive retreat is powerful for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. For more information, please call/text Sr Andrea on 07816 942824 or email at For more details, see

Aid to the Church in Need: Scottish Conference ‘Courage to be Catholic’

Hear from inspiring speakers, meet representatives of Catholic organisations from around Scotland, and help build Catholic community. 9:30am – 4:00pm, Saturday 29 March, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Register at 

Palm Sunday Youth Day

Let your children know about our day of games and inspiring talks at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB on Saturday 12 April from 11am-3pm. Includes sessions for primary school pupils (8+) and sessions for high school pupils. Register at

Grief to Grace

Grief to Grace is a specialised five-day programme of spiritual and psychological healing for anyone who has suffered from sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, including those abused by a religious/member of the clergy. If you are interested in attending this confidential healing retreat  from 29 April to 4 May in Perth, please contact:

Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome

Archbishop Cushley leads our Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome for young adults (18+) which takes place 28 July to 4 August 2025. Cost £1,175 includes return flights from Edinburgh to Rome, coach transfers, bed and breakfast at Casa Santa Lucia and an opportunity to take part in the Jubilee for Young People programme, including attending Mass with the Holy Father. Limited single rooms available. Email by Sunday 2 February 

 Events in the Archdiocese

For a full list of events happening in the Archdiocese, visit:

Click on the tabs below to see information for each Church...

Mass Bookings.

We are reminded that the booking of Mass for our special intentions, wedding anniversaries, Birthday thanksgiving, Death anniversaries of our loved ones and general prayers is highly recommended. The mass stipends (Donations) are part of our contribution towards the good of the church and support of our priest.

The Parish Sunday morning Tea & coffee…

…is on every Sunday immediately after the 9.30am mass. The proceeds from these activities are geared towards the charity support run by our parish.  Come one, Come all!

Food Bank Collection.  

Dear parishioners, be kindly informed that the parish food bank collection will take place next week (22/23 February). This activity of the parish is scheduled for every last weekend of each month. Our kind gestures and generosity is geared towards supporting our brothers and sisters who are in need. God bless us all as we give to the needy.

We have created a new page on the parish website called “News & Events”…

…and we will update this regularly with items from the newsletter and other items of interest.  You will also be able to download the newsletter. To view the page simply log on to

Volunteers for our Church Hall committee.

We are in desperate need of volunteers who are happy to be part of the parish hall committee. Please contact Liz Allan, Carol Easton or Fr Francis for details.

Mass Bookings

We are reminded that the booking of Mass for our special intentions, wedding anniversaries, Birthday thanksgiving, Death anniversaries of our loved ones and general prayers is highly recommended. The mass stipends (Donations) are part of our contribution towards the good of the church and support of our priest. 

Parish Youth Sponsorship Programme for Lourdes.

The cut-off date for applications is 14th February, so please get your applications in soon! The Parish will fund the applicant £500 towards the trip, and the Volunteer will need to raise approx. £350/400. A great opportunity, don’t miss it! 

Thank you to all those who have recently volunteered… take up ministries within the Church. If you have not already done so please complete a diocesan volunteer form which is available in the sacristy. Please return the form to Father Francis or Val Lawrie . These forms play an important part in the Church’s strategy for keeping us all safe so it important that they are completed and submitted.