23rd Sunday of the Year (b)

23rd  Sunday of the Year. (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday).

10.00 a.m. (Saturday).


After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday.

Other times by arrangement.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: Caroline McNeish Patricia Allison, Elizabeth Brown.

Died: Giuseppe Milazzo.

Anniv: Edward McGowan.


Today: Welcome to Monsignor Philip Kerr, parish priest of St. Patrick’s and the Dean of the city parishes, who has kindly offered to celebrate the Vigil Mass here thus enabling me to go the Vigil Mass being celebrated by Archbishop Cushley in St. Mary’s Ratho marking the closure of the Parish and the Church there as part of the ongoing clustering process. Please continue to pray, in particular, for the parishioners of St. Mary’s Ratho who are losing both their Church and their Parish as they become part of Our Lady’s.

Today there is a Letter from Archbishop Cushley relating to the Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund. It is in anticipation of the Retiral Collection next Sunday.  If you intend to Gift Aid your donation please collect one of the special Gift Aid envelopes as you leave Mass today and return your donation in it next weekend.  Please don’t forget to sign it on the reverse.

Today: The Bonus Ball sheet is available as you leave Mass. It costs £1.00 to buy a number. This will be for the draw due on Saturday 22nd September with the winner receiving £30.00 and the Parish Project Fund £29.00

Today: The new readers’ rota is ready for collection from the sacristy. There are still one or two to be collected. Please take your copy today since it comes into effect next weekend.

Sunday: The coffee mornings after Mass have resumed. The Noisy Nutters will be in charge today.  Why not go round to the Hall after Mass.

Sunday: Annual Pilgrimage to pray for the Canonisation of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair. This year it has been suggested that we have a sponsored walk along the canal to arrive in time for the time of prayer and the showing of a film about the Venerable Margaret. It is approximately 3½ miles and takes about 1½ hours gathering at Dominoes and from there along the Canal Path or going straight in along Slateford Road, Fountainbridge, Bread Street, Grassmarket, Cowgate. The day there begins at 2.00 p.m., with time for prayer, then the showing of a new 30 minute film on the Venerable Margaret, and finishes with Mass at 4.30 p.m. You can drop in for as much or as little of the time at the Church.

Sponsor forms are still available after Mass if you are interested in taking part and raising funds for the Parish Project. Please also sign on the sheet to let us know you have taken one so we know how many people to expect. If you want to meet us there and go in on the bus, that is fine also. Maybe get people to sponsor you by the number of bus stops between Dominoes and St. Patrick’s.

Tuesday: There will be a meeting for the parents of children from P3 and upwards who are eligible to make their First Reconciliation in 2019. It will be at 6.30 p.m. in the Church.  It is important that each child is represented at this meeting.  The chuldren do not need to be present.  This invitation applies to children who are not at St. Cuthbert’s Primary School.

Tuesday: There will be a meeting for the parents of children from P4 and upwards who are eligible to make their First Communion in 2019. It will be at 7.30 p.m. in the Church.  It is important that each child is represented at this meeting.  The children do not need to be present.  This invitation applies to children who are not at St. Cuthbert’s Primary School.

Next Saturday: ‘A Day for Children’s Liturgy Leaders at the Gillis Centre from 11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. If you are involved and are interested in going, Janice has some fliers and there are also some in the sacristy.  Booking is required.


Diary Dates:

18th September: Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Councils of St. Cuthbert’s and Our Lady’s at 7.00 p.m. in Our Lady’s. All councillors please make every effort to be present at this important meeting.

20th September:Meeting of Parish Finance and Fabric Committee in the house at 7.00 p.m.

5th – 7th October: The Beginning Experience’ will be hosting a weekend for those who have lost a loved one through separation, divorce or death. Fuller details are on the poster in the porch but you do need to book.

6th October: A Day Conference on the theme ‘The Role of the Laity in the Church Today.’ Full details of the programme for the day and details of the key note speakers are on the poster at the back of the Church and also on the fliers available as you leave Mass. Registration is needed if you wish to attend and details of this are on the flier.


The current total for the Parish Project Fund is £6589.41 following on the Barbeque in Our Lady’s last Sunday which raised £165.50. Once the fund raising is finished at the end of the year this will be split between the Aid to the Church in Need project in North East Nigeria and Street work here in Edinburgh.


The Universe Catholic Newspaper has gone up to £1.50 from this weekend.


With every best wish and blessing

to you, your families and those

who are dear to you

Monsignor Tony.