26th Sunday of the Year (a)

26th Sunday of the Year. (a)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)                                  

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)


After Mass on Saturday morning


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Elizabeth Brown, Patricia Allison, Bridget Ferry, Margaret Bowen, Biddy Bonner, Nora Wood, Bruce MacFadyen, Eddie Mulligan.

Died: Billy Allan, Cathie Wilson, Philomena Crolla.

Anniv: Margaret McGoldrick, Josephine Cusick.


Sunday: The teas and coffees after Mass in the Hall are being looked after by the Fair Trade Group today.  All welcome to go round and sample their fare.

Wednesday: There will be a meeting to consider running a joint men’s group for St. Cuthbert’s and Our Lady’s Church in St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall at 7.00 p.m. It is proposed that the group run on similar lines to other men’s groups throughout the Diocese which meet regularly throughout the year generally in the local Church hall. Possible activities could be to meet for prayer, reflection, listen to a guest speaker or just socially. Other away activities could include a visit to a neighbouring Church, Cathedral or religious retreat. The exact format and number of meets per year would be agreed by the members.  Men of all ages welcome. For further information please contact Stuart Harley on 07717 193425 or by email at  srharley62@gmail.com

Thursday: The St. Augustine’s High School Open evening takes place between 4.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. beginning with a presentation by the Head Teacher Mr. Michael McGee. This is followed by guided tours for parents and potential pupils around the school to see the excellent facilities, visiting the different departments and speaking to staff and pupils and seeing examples of the work generated within the school.

Saturday: The St. Andrew’s First Aid Training Course is now full. If you have signed up and cannot come please let me know since there is a small waiting list.


Diary Dates:

28th October: Mass of Thanksgiving in St. Kentigern’s, to mark 70th Anniversary of the Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage and the Edinburgh Lourdes Hospitalité. Archbishop Cushley will be the main celebrant. The Mass will be followed by a celebratory Meal & Reception in the Hall. You are very welcome to attend one of these events if you cannot make both. Tickets cost £30 for the Meal/Reception only (3 course meal and drinks). A ticket is not needed for the Mass alone. Details of purchasing tickets are on the poster in the porch.


Many thanks (1)  to all who Gift Aid their collection.  As a result I have received word that £8706.04 has been credited to the Parish account from H.R.M.C. via the Archdiocese. Please consider Gift Aiding your offerings if you are a tax payer.

Many thanks (2): The new running total for the Parish Project Fund is now £3149.11. Well done to anyone who has contributed in any way to achieving this total. If you want to do some fundraising just let me know so that it can be advertised and also to coordinate dates etc.


St. Cuthbert’s has always had a tremendous team of altar servers who add so much to the various Masses and ceremonies throughout the year. They are often commented upon by visiting priests and people. Training for new servers will begin soon. If you are not at St. Cuthbert’s school but would like to join the rota please collect a form from the sacristy.  You need to have made your First Holy Communion and be prepared to commit to turning up for training and then serving.


The Church Stall has the October edition of ‘Day by Day’ available for collection by those who have it ordered. The new edition of ‘Living faith’ is also available.


Changing Parishes: It is a hard time for both parishioners and priests when the Archbishop moves a much loved priest to another parish so please remember in your prayers the priests affected by having to move over  the next couple of weeks. Please also remember the people of the parishes affected.


With every best wish and Blessing

To you, your families

and those who are dear to you.

Monsignor Tony.