30th Sunday of the Year (b)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Season of the Year. (b)

Weekdays – Year 1


Sunday 25th October:   30th Sunday of the Year. (b)

The first reading is from the Prophet Jeremiah. It presents a vision of a time when all God’s people are gathered together, with everyone sharing the gift of new sight. It tells of what God can and will do for his people.

The second reading is from the Letter to the Hebrews. We are reminded that while Christ is our High Priest, he also knows our weaknesses. He understands our human condition because he is one like us in all things but sin.

The Gospel passage, from St. Mark, tells how Jesus responds to the plea of the blind man, Bartimaeus, by restoring his sight. He stands for all those who are spiritually blind and whose lives lack direction. Through faith this can be changed and people can have a new sense of purpose, energy and direction in their lives.

Monday 26th October: Monday of the 30th week of the year.

          St. Paul continues to speak about the Spirit. This Spirit, which we have received, is not one that should make us afraid of God. It makes us dear to God; it makes us God’s own children, empowering us to recognise God as our Father. It enables us to say ‘Abba – Father.’

          In the Gospel, we read of the healing power of Jesus, a healing that is both physical and spiritual. On the other hand, we read of the hypocrisy of the synagogue official. All the Gospel readings this week centre around one basic theme – sincerity and humility as the hallmark of the true child of Jesus.

Tuesday 27th October:  Tuesday of the 30th week of the year.

St. Paul continues about the suffering we share with Christ. It is nothing compared to the glory that awaits us. Therefore, we should be filled with real hope.

The parable used today reminds us how the Kingdom of God begins in a very small way but grows to have a great influence.

Wednesday 28th October: Feast of St. Simon & St. Jude.

Very little is known about these two apostles. Simon was called the zealous apostle and according to tradition he preached in Egypt. Jude was called Thaddeus and according to tradition joined Simon when he came back from Egypt and both went to preach in Persia where tradition leads us to believe they were martyred. Jude is popularly associated with being the patron saint of hopeless cases.

Thursday 29th October:                  Thursday of the 30th week of the year.

Paul finishes this section of his letter with a hymn to the victory of Jesus. We should remember that God is for us and that Jesus, who died for us, is standing at God’s right hand pleading for us. If we believe this, nothing can come between us and the love of God.

In the Gospel, we hear of Jesus’ great sadness about Jerusalem. It is a city of which he is very proud, a city that lies at the heart of his tradition and history. Its people have closed their ears to his message and refuse to accept him.

Friday 30th October:               Friday of the 30th week of the year.

Paul now moves on to a different area. He is dealing more directly with the Jews. He is trying to help them understand that, with the coming of Christ, the Torah no longer binds as law. He sees it as a sacred story to tell of God’s dealings with his people in history. He is reaching out to help the Jewish people who had received many privileges from God but now have to come to accept Christ.

For the second time this week we have an account of Jesus healing someone on the Sabbath. He is sad about the future of Jerusalem because the people continue to chasllenge him about breaking the law.

Saturday 31st October :        Saturday of 30th week of the year.

          St. Paul declares very strongly that God has not rejected the Jews. They have defected and turned away from his love. However, as a result, the pagan world has benefited. One day the Jews will awake to what is happening and realise they are still loved by God despite all they had done.

Jesus reminds his listeners that they must know their true selves. The jostling for position and authority must stop. In the kingdom of God, human values are turned upside down.