29th Sunday of the Year (b)
This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.
Ordinary Season of the Year. (b)
Weekdays – Year 1
Sunday 18th October: 29th Sunday of the Year. (B)
The first reading is from the Prophet Isaiah. He sees how the suffering servant will atone for the people’s sins through his death and resurrection.
The second reading is from the Letter to the Hebrews and we are reminded that Jesus knows what it is like to be tempted and so can help us to be strong.
The Gospel reminds how two of the disciples came to Jesus with what they think is a perfectly natural request. They find out it is not as straightforward as they thought.
Monday 19th October: Monday of the 29th week of the year.
All the weekday readings this week continue the passages from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Paul continues today with stressing the example of the faith of Abraham He refused to deny or to doubt God’s promise. He drew strength from his faith and this is what justified him.
The Gospel reminds us to be ever prepared for meeting Christ since ‘ as we live so shall we die.’ If we store up treasures in heaven, we will be prepared in the correct way.
Tuesday 20th October: Tuesday of 29th week of the year.
St. Paul begins the central part of his Letter. He reminds his readers that sin entered the word through one man and through sin came death. However life and grace come through Jesus Christ, in greater abundance. Grace will bring eternal life thanks to Jesus Christ.
The Gospel repeats the message of being ready for the call of the Lord.
Wednesday 21st October: Wednesday of 29th week of the year.
For St. Paul, sin is a force that not only destroys the human body, but also causes separation from God. By Christ’s death, the Christian has been freed from this hostile force and has a share in the new relationship with the Father.
Again, we are reminded in the Gospel, that we must be ready at all times for the call of the Lord because it will come at a time and a day we do not know.
Thursday 22nd October: Thursday of the 29th week of the year.
Paul continues to stress that through Baptism, we become slaves of Christ. Therefore, we should never say or do anything to betray that relationship in our day-to-day lives.
The Gospel passage reveals Jesus stressing the difficulties that will be encountered for the true follower of Christ. It will be difficult and may even divide families.
Friday 23rd October: Friday of the 29th week of the year.
Even though we are slaves to Christ, St. Paul reminds us that we will still be tempted to do the wrong thing and find it difficult to do the right thing. He asks who will help us escape from the power of sin.
In the Gospel, Jesus reminds us to reads the signs of the times so that we are prepared for his coming. Part of that is that we should not judge others.
Saturday 24th October: Saturday of the 29th week of the year.
The one who frees us is the Spirit who is the force of the risen Jesus living in us. The believer encounters him by living in union with Jesus, a union that begins with our Baptism.
The Gospel presents a familiar message of Jesus. Repent and produce good fruit. He tells the parable of the fig tree that was given just one more chance.
The light of God
Surrounds us;
The love of God
Enfolds us;
The power of God
Protects us;
The presence of God
Protects us;
The presence of God
Watches over us;
Wherever we are,
God is,
And all is well.