33rd Sunday of the Year (a)

Ordinary Season of the Year. (a)

Weekdays – Year 2


Sunday 16th November:         Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year. (a)

The different talents people possess are highlighted in today’s readings.

The first reading, from the Book of Proverbs, describes some of the gifts a woman can bring to a marriage.

In the second reading, from the Letter to the Thessalonians, we are reminded that the Day of the Lord could come at any moment so we must always be on watch and ready. We will hear this theme echoed in the fast approaching season of Advent.

The Gospel passage reminds us that we have been given talents for a purpose – they are to be used.

Monday 17th November:        Memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  

Elizabeth was born in 1207, the daughter of King Andrew of Hungary. She was married and had three children. After the death of her husband, she led a life of poverty and spent her life caring for the sick in a hospice that she had built. She died in 1231, aged 24.

Tuesday 18th November:        Tuesday of the 33rd week of the year.

As we move towards the end of the Church’s year the first reading comes from the Book of Revelation, written during the persecution of the Christians who were expected to treat the emperor as a god. The readings describe the chaos of the last days and then those who remain faithful are praised. In the form of letters.

John continues with his letters to the main Churches, one in Sardis and one in Laodicea. Both are heavily criticised because of the approach to morality and Christian principles. One very immoral the other was lukewarm. They are warned very explicitly about what might happen if they do not change their ways.       

Zaccheus becomes the host of Jesus. He overcame his physical size to look for Christ – another act of faith. His faith saved him from his sins. Those who criticised Jesus for going to a sinner’s house have completely missed the point.

Wednesday 19th November:            Wednesday of the 33rd week of the year.

We continue the readings from the Book of Revelation. Today we are given a glimpse of heaven. The description is full of symbols which do not need lot of explanation. They key point is that all life is praising Jesus Christ.

The theme of the talents is again presented to us in the Gosperl. We are all given talents and ou reward will depend on the effort we put into using them well nd effectively in building up the kingdom.

Thursday 20th November:     Thursday of the 33rd week of the year.

          The Book of Revelation presents us with another great heavenly vision. It is full of symbolism concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus. The ‘sealed scroll’ contains warnings against unfaithful Israel. Jesus is the fulfilment of all that had gone before.

In the Gospel, the fact that so many have failed to recognise Jesus comes to a head when he looks on the holy city itself and condemns the lack of faith but stresses that there is still an opportunity being offered for salvation.

Friday 21st November:           Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

          This feast goes back to 543 when a church, built near the Temple in Jerusalem, was dedicated to Our Lady. The feast helps reminds us of Our Lady’s dedication to God from her earliest years. According to an early Christian tradition, she was taken to the Temple as a child to be offered to the service of God.

Saturday 22nd November:      Memorial of St. Cecilia.

All that we know, with any certainty, about St. Cecilia is that she was a Roman lady who lived in the third century and founded a church which is named after her. A legend has been woven around her life and supposed martyrdom. According to one incident in that legend, she sang to God as she was being executed for her faith. This has resulted in her being name the patroness of all musicians. We ask her prayers today for all those who enhance the Church’s worship by music and song.


Eternal Rest

Grant unto them

O Lord


Let perpetual light

shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.
