32nd Sunday of the Year (a) Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica



This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.


Ordinary Season of the Year. (a)

Weekdays – Year 2



Sunday 9th November:           Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year. (a)

                                                        Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.

                                                        Remembrance Sunday

This is the cathedral church of Rome where the Pope has a permanent ‘cathedra’ or throne. It has a long history going back to the Emperor Constantine and is dedicated to the Most Holy Saviour. In celebrating the anniversary of its dedication, we proclaim our union with and love for the church of Rome – the ‘mother and head of all the churches.’

Monday 10th November:                 Memorial of St. Leo the Great.

          Leo was probably born in Tuscany and was educated in Rome. He was outstanding as a theologian, statesman, pastor and administrator. He became Pope in 440. His clear teaching on the doctrine of the Incarnation at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 placed him among the greatest fathers and doctors of the Church. He did not have a peaceful pontificate. More than once Rome was threatened with destruction by the barbarian armies. He died in 461.

Tuesday 11th November:        Memorial of St. Martin of Tours.

          He was born around 316 in Northern Italy and was conscripted into the army at an early age. He gave up a military career, was baptised and became a priest, founding a monastery in France. In 371, he was elected Bishop of Tours, living a very simple and austere life and making a point of visiting all the parishes in his diocese. He did much to spread the Gospel in fourth century Europe. He died in 397.

Wednesday 12th November:            Memorial of St. Josaphat.

Josaphat was born in the Ukraine in 1580 and belonged to the Orthodox Church. He became a catholic, was ordained and became Bishop of Polock where he worked tirelessly to strengthen the union of his province of Kiev with the Holy See. He was met both with success and with suspicion, some of it coming from Catholics. He was murdered by his enemies in 1623, a martyr to Christian unity.

Thursday 13th November:     Thursday of 32nd week of the year.

          Today we have a short extract from the only ‘private’ letter written by St. Paul. It is written to his slave Philemon who had become a Christian after escaping from his captivity and fleeing to Rome. Paul stresses his responsibilities now that he is a Christian particularly with regard to looking after Onesimus.

Jesus again preaches about his forthcoming suffering and death and his rejection by those who should know better. It is a teaching the disciples find hard to take.

Friday 14th November:           Friday of 32nd Sunday of the year.

          As well as writing his Gospel, John also wrote three short letters and today’s first reading is an extract from the second of these.  As so often for John, love is the central theme and to achieve this by living according to the commandments.

The Gospel passage begins to move us towards the end of the Lirurgical Year by making reference to the Last Day.  We should always be ready for that happening and live our lives accordingly.

Saturday 15th November:      Saturday of the 32nd week of the year.

We have the last extract from the New Testament for a while with today’s reading from the 3rd Letter of St. John. In it, St. John praises the faith and the charity of someone called Gaius, a Christian in the Church in Asia Minor.

Just as we were reminded always to pray with thanksgiving in our hearts, so also we reminded to persevere in our prayer.



Remembrance Sunday.


They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them



Eternal Rest

Grant unto them

O Lord


Let perpetual light

shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.

