27th Sunday of the Year (a)
This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.
Ordinary Season of the Year. (a)
Weekdays – Year 2
Sunday 5th October: Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. (a)
The first reading is from the Prophet Isaiah. Through the prophet, God recounts all that he has done for his people and shows sadness at the level of response. Israel is the well cared for vineyard.
St. Paul, in the letter to the Philippians, reminds us that peace is promised to all who ask God’s help with devotion, sincerity and trust. We do not need to be anxious.
The Gospel story is another parable. It presents a story of generous love and a poor response. It is reflecting the sadness of the first reading. Just as the Jews rejected the prophets and those who had gone before him, so too they will reject Jesus. Our failure to respond in kind to God’s generous love is the reality behind the story.
Monday 6th October: Monday of the 27th week of the year.
Today we begin to listen to St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians. He had visited the community and was disappointed and surprised they had been led astray by the false preachers who had appeared in their midst. They tried to insist the Christians still had to live by the Law o the Jews. Paul now begins to explain the error of this teaching. Listen to what you have been told by me and put it into practice he tells them.
As always, the lawyers always had a trick question with which to try to trap Jesus. They believed that they should only look after their ‘own kind.’ That was how they understood ‘love your neighbour.’ Jesus uses the parable of the Good Samaritan to teach them otherwise.
Tuesday 7th October: Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary.
This feast was instituted by Pope Saint Pius V, in thanksgiving, on the anniversary of the battle of Lepanto in 1571. It was claimed that the Christians were victorious over the Turks because they had prayer the Rosary on the eve of the battle and invoked Our Lady’s help.
The feast is reminder to each one of us to use the prayer of the rosary as a means of reflecting on the life of Jesus and of drawing closer to him and each other as a result.
Wednesday 8th October: Wednesday of the 27th week of the year.
Paul talks further of his own experience. He went to Jerusalem where he came under great pressure and even opposed some of Peter’s teaching.
Yesterday we were told of the need to make time. Today Jesus gives an example of how to pray – the Lord’s Prayer.
Thursday 9th October: Thursday of the 27th week of the year.
Paul is angry with the Galatians. They want the best of both worlds but he reminds them they have committed themselves to Christ and must remain true to that commitment.
In the Gospel, Jesus continues his lesson on prayer. To be real prayer it has to be trusting and persevering. If we have faith, we should not hesitate to ask.
Friday 10th October: Friday of the 37th week of the year.
Paul is still arguing against the Judaisers. He reminds them that Abraham became the Father of the Chosen people through faith and not through the Law that didn’t exist then. It was through Christ that the pagans received the blessings of Abraham.
Jesus continues his teaching on the need for prayer. From prayer you will get the strength to fight the evil that is all around us. The power of God will be there to help us.
Saturday 11th October: Saturday of the 27th week of the year.
Paul stresses that there is no distinction between gentile and Jew in following Christ. We have all put on Christ.
Jesus presents us with another special lesson. We will be truly blessed if we hear the word of God, keep it and put it into action.
God the source and strength of all love.
May he bless our families
With happiness and faithfulness.
May he bless our communities
With unity and peace
And make us one heart and one soul.
May he give to all of us
A love that brings out the best
In each other.
May God bless you all
And keep his love alive
in you.