19th Sunday of the Year (a)
19th Sunday of the Year. (a)
Times of Mass and Confession:
Sundays: Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
Weekday: 9.00a.m. (Monday – Thursday)
9.30 a.m. (Friday, with school children present)
7.30 p.m. (Friday)
10.00 a.m. (Saturday)
Confessions: After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday
By arrangement
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Irene Callan, Assunta Santangeli.
Died: Pat Cusack
Anniv: Alex Donoghue, Bill Fitzgerald, Patrick Lynch, Anne Lynch.
Today: Readers please collect your new rotas from the sacristy after Mass. They have come into effect so it is important for you to check and see if you are on duty.
Sunday: There will be no bacon rolls during the coffee morning after Mass for the time being. There will be continental style fare on offer so why not go round and see what is available. Many thanks are due to the volunteers who keep things ticking over on the Sundays during the holiday period.
Monday: Do you knowof anyone interested inbecoming a member of the Church? It may be someone from your own family, a friend, a neighbour, a work colleague. There will be a meeting in the house at 7.00 p.m. at which more information will be available about the process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or R.C.I.A. for short.
Friday: Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady.
A Holy Day of Obligation.
Masses in St. Cuthbert’s at 9.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Masses in Our Lady’s Currie at 10.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m.
Next Saturday/Sunday there will be a retiral collection after Mass for the African Missions and Holy Places.This is split between the Vatican for use in African countries where the Church needs financial support and the Holy Land where it is used to maintain the Christian sites and support pastoral work with both Christian and non-Christian groups.
Next Sunday: The Children’s Liturgy will resume. It is for children from P1 – P7. The numbers had dropped significantly towards the end of last session which is dispiriting for those who give a lot of time and effort to preparing the matrials to lead this time of prayer and worship. There is a risk it will be discontinued, which would be a great shame, if the numbers coming do not improve. So parents please encourage your children to come forward at the beginning of Mass and take part.
Next Sunday: Mass of Thanksgiving for the recent Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. It is in the Church at 3.00 p.m. and all are welcome whether you travelled to Lourdes or not.
Diary Dates:
21st August: Meeting in the Church Hall at 7.00 p.m. for parents of children in P4 who may be eligible to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion in 2015. This is an important meeting and it is essential that each child should be represented. The children need not be present. Since the information affects both Parishes this first meeting is a joint meeting of the parents of both Parishes.
28th August: Many thanks to the valiant few who came along to take part in the Hall Big Clean up and Clear out. Despite their best efforts only half of what was needing done was able to be completed so tonight there will be another opportunity to come along at 7.00 p.m. and help finish the job. If more came we could be sure it would be finished sooner rather than later.
5th September: Sir Tom Devine O.B.E. will give a lecture on “Catholics in Scotland: the silent revolution 1960 – present” in the Cathedral at 7.30 p.m. This is part of the Bicentenary celebrations of the Cathedral. All welcome. Fuller details on the poster in the porch.
7th September: National Pilgrimage at Carfin in honour of St. Margaret. Mass will begin at 3.00 p.m.. with Bishop Keenan of paisley preaching. All welcome. Fuller details on the poster in the porch.
16th November may seem a long way off but on that night at 7.00 p.m. in the hall there will be an opportunity to raise money for the Parish Projects by holding a talent contest. So if you have a talent, or think you have, please let us know so that we can gauge whether this would work. There is a list at the back of the Church on which you can sign up and entry is open from P7 upwards to any age. If there a lot of entries it may be necessary to hold preliminary heats. Judges will have their say but the winners will be voted for by the audience. Each vote will cost 50p and you will be able to buy as many ballot papers as you wish. More details in due course.
Holidays: Now that they are nearly over, please remember the boys and girls who will be starting back at school in the course of this coming week especially those who are moving on to High School or starting Primary School for the first time. May the Lord bless them along with the staffs who will be working with them in the course of the coming school year.
New Opportunity: Would you like to socialise with young Catholics? Are you between 18 and 30 years of age? Why not join the brand new parish social group? Put your name and email address on the sheet at the back of the church to find out what happens next! For more details speak to Victoria Stephens at the back of the Church or phone on 443.9778
With every best wish and blessing to you,
your families
and all those who are dear to you
Monsignor Tony.