17th Sunday of the Year (c)

17th Sunday of the Year.  (c)

Times of Mass and Confession:

Sundays:                               Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.

Weekday:                           9.00 a.m.   (MondayFriday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)

Confessions:                        After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday

or by arrangement at other times.


Sick: John McPartland, Mary McPheely, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Mary Pike, Rita Allison, Lawrie Malone.

Died: Grace Gibb.

Annniversaries: Theresa Malone,  Helen McKue, Frank McGinley, Peggy McGinley


Today: We pray especially for our new Archbishop elect Leo Cushley appointed on Wednesday as successor to Cardinal O’Brien as our Archbishop. We pray for him as he prepares to take over the leadership of the Archdiocese.  May the Lord grant him courage, compassion and wisdom in the days ahead.

Today: The new  readers’ rota is ready for collection from the sacristy after Mass.

Please make sure you take your copy.  Please also ensure that if you are not able to read as listed you find a substitute and let me know or put a post it up in the sacristy.  This has not been happening on some occasions recently and has led to a few awkward moments

Sunday: Noisy Nutters will be running a coffee morning after Mass with home baking available.  Why not pop round and relax before you head home.

Saturday: Please remember Richard Galinski and Kirsty Wallace who are being married in the Church at 2.00 p.m.  May the Lord bless and guide them as they embark on their married life.

Next Saturday/Sunday: The Annual Missionary Awareness appeal will be made by Sister Alberta Forson, a Franciscan Missionary of Mary.  There will be a retiral collection at the end of each Mass.


Diary Dates:

17th August:  Barbeque and Quiz Night after evening Mass in aid of the Parish Projects.  Tickets will be on sale after Mass today priced £5 for adults and £3 for children.

1st September: This may seem a long way off but time will soon pass.  The two councils of St. Cuthbert’s and Our Lady’s have planned a pilgrimage to St. Mary’s Cathedral to mark the Year of Faith.  It will begin with a talk from Monsignor Regan, the administrator after which he will show some of the historical artifacts’ which are housed in the Cathedral.  There would then be a short service followed by a High Tea in the Cathedral Hall.  More details will be available in due course including the cost


A man was brought to Mercy Hospital, and went in for coronary surgery. The operation went well, and as the groggy man regained consciousness, he was reassured by a Sister of Mercy waiting by his bed.
“Mr. Smith, you’re going to be just fine,” the nun said while patting his hand. “We do have to know, however, how you intend to pay for your stay here. Are you covered by insurance?”
“No, I’m not,” the man whispered hoarsely.
“Can you pay in cash?”
“I’m afraid I can’t, Sister.”
“Do you have any close relatives, then?”
“Just my sister in New Mexico, but she’s a spinster nun.”, said the man.
“Nuns are not spinsters, Mr. Smith,” the nun replied. “They are married to God.”
The man said with a smile,
“Okay, then bill my brother-in-law.”


An attempt is being organised to try and organise an inter church football league within the city.  If you interested then please let me know or contact Fr. Milne at the Cathedral.  The organisers are being a bit optimistic if they think every parish will provide a full squad but something maybe possible based on the Cathedral. Unfortunately because I am an endangered species I cannot get insurance to play.


Holidays:  If you are going away, I hope you have a safe journey and come back refreshed and relaxed.  If you are staying at home, I hope you find some time to relax and take a break from your usual routine.

If you are a visitor, you are welcome to our Parish, our city and our country.


A Thank You letter has been received from Mary’s Meals expressing the grateful thanks and appreciation for last weekend’s efforts.  311 bags were collected between the two parishes and the donations from St. Cuthbert’s came to £712.35.  The full letter of thanks is on the notice board in the porch. Well done.


With every best wish and blessing to you,

your families

and all those who are dear to you.

Monsignor Tony.