6th Sunday of the Year (a)


This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.


Ordinary Cycle of the Year (a)


Weekdays Year 1


Sunday 12th February:            6th Sunday of the Year. (a)

          The first reading is from the Book of Ecclesiasticus. The author reminds us that we are all faced with a choice – life or death. He encourages us to choose life.

The seconds reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. St. Paul reminds us that wisdom of God is revealed to those who love God and it will lead them to glory.

The Gospel passage, from St. Matthew, has Jesus reminding us the Law and the teaching of the Prophets comes to fruition in the person of Jesus and his new commandment of love of God and of each other.


Monday 13th February:         Monday in the sixth week of the year.

Today, the reading from the Book of Genesis, presents us with the familiar story of Cain and Abel. It presents an example of what was never intended to be by God, people killing each other

The Pharisees are getting angry with Jesus and with their failure to catch him out. They cannot respond to his wisdom and his insights when they tackle him. Now they decide they want a sign from him that he is the Messiah.


Tuesday 14th February:           Feast of St. Cyril & Methodius.       

Contrary to popular belief and practice today is not the Feast of St. Valentine in the Church. It is, rather, the feast of two brothers, who are venerated as the apostles of the Slavic people. They ran into a lot of opposition from the German-speaking Church for using the Slavic language in their preaching and in their liturgies. However, this way of reaching out to people meant many people were brought into the Church. Methodius even spent some time in prison as a result of his efforts. He was accused of teaching unorthodox doctrine and had to defend himself to the Pope. Cyril died in 869 on a visit to Rome, Methodius died in 884 having translated most of the Bible into the Slavic language. They are regarded as patron saints of Christian Unity.


Wednesday 15th February:   Wednesday in the sixth week of the year.

We have moved on to the story of Noah in the Book of Genesis. The Flood was the author’s way of condemning the great violence and evil that the people were inflicting on one another. We hear the events that occurred after the Flood.

In the Gospel, we hear the account of the miracle of the blind man being given his sight. This time the miracle occurs over a period of time.


Thursday 16th February:         Thursday in the sixth week of the year.

Today we reach the last part of the story of Noah. The God of Israel acted out of justice and in response to evil in humanity but still continued to love them and hold out the promise of blessing and salvation.

The Gospel presents us with Peter’s great proclamation of faith, followed by his lack of understanding and even criticism of what Jesus was saying about himself.


Friday 17th February:              Friday in the sixth week of the year.

                      We reach the final story in the Book of Genesis – the tower of Babel. It is a very pointed attack on the religious practices of the pagans. The people wanted to be like God and to build a monument reaching up to heaven. They couldn’t finish it because they could not work together.

Jesus talks about the conditions needed if we are to be true followers of his. There will be a need to renounce ourselves and take up our cross daily.


Saturday 18th February:         Saturday in the sixth week of the year.

We leave the Book of Genesis and return to the Letter to the Hebrews, to a section which was missed out when we had the continuous readingof the letter a few weeks ago. In it, the author refers to many of the sections we have listened to from the Book of Genesis – Cain and Abel and beyond Genesis to the faith and call of Abraham.

We read the story of the Transfiguration – that moment when the Peter, James and John are given a unique insight of the power and majesty of God. This was to strengthen their faith and build them up for the trials they would face in the days ahead.