2nd Sunday of the Year (c)
This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.
Ordinary Season of the Year. (c)
Weekdays – Year 2
Sunday 17th January: 2nd Sunday of the Year (c).
The first reading today is from the Prophet Isaiah. In it, God’s relationship with his people is described in terms of a marriage. He is as close to us as a bridegroom to a bride.
Between now and the start of Lent, the second reading is taken from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. He wrote to them in response to a request for practical guidance. Today’s reading outlines the different gifts needed for the building up of each community. Each member has a gift or several provided by the Spirit to play their part in achieving this.
The story of the wedding feast of Cana repeats the message of the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord. In the account of his first miracle, Jesus’ glory was seen by his disciples.
Monday 18th January: Monday in the 2nd week of the year.
Saul had a number of battles against the Philistines and the other enemies but he was not always a good king. Often, he interpreted Samuel’s words to suit himself. In this reading, he is challenged about not following out his orders to the full. Saul thought a good sacrifice was the answer to everything whereas Samuel insisted that obedience to God’s ways was what mattered.
St. Mark, in this extract, shows how a new age has dawned with Jesus. Jesus is shown as placing no value on mere empty externals.
Tuesday 19th January: Tuesday in the 2nd week of the year.
Samuel was disappointed that Saul had allowed himself to be rejected by God as King so he sets out to find another person. He ends up in Bethlehem and with the family of Jesse. He anoints the youngest of the family – David.
In the Gospel, we hear of Jesus horror of hypocrisy. He points out the laws were made to serve people, not the people to serve the laws.
Wednesday 20th January: Tuesday in the 2nd week of the year.
Saul did not know that David had been anointed as King-elect but took him on as one of his soldiers. David offered to fight Goliath and won, fighting in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel.
Jesus again shows his power. The Pharisees needed to know that Jesus promoted and obeyed the commandments and tried to catch him out. Jesus insists on faith as the essential characteristic.
Thursday 21st January: Memorial of St. Agnes
When she was twelve years old, Agnes suffered martyrdom in Rome probably at the beginning of the fourth century under the persecution of the Emperor Diocletian. The Pope decorated her tomb with sacred verses and many of the early Church Fathers, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine, spoke of her with great praise.
Friday 22nd January: Friday in the 2nd week of the year.
Saul did not keep his word and made several attempts on David’s life, believing David was plotting against him and trying to kill him. Matters come to a head when David has the opportunity to kill Saul but does not take, showing he had no plans to overthrow Saul. Saul finally admits that David will be King.
At this point in his public ministry, Jesus picks his apostles from his chosen disciples. These chosen few are then sent out to complete the mission entrusted to them by Jesus.
Saturday 23rd January: Saturday in the 2nd week of the year.
When David heard the news about the death of Saul and his son Jonathan he was very upset and in this extract we hear a kind of eulogy as David mourns him
Jesus was under great pressure. Even his relatives misunderstood what he was about.
The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us;
Wherever we are,
God is,
And all is well.