24th Sunday of the Year (c)

24th Sunday of the Year. ( c)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)


After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Antonio Arcielo, Elizabeth Brown.

Died: Jean Miller, Sandra Davidson, Andrew Anderson.

Anniv: Anne Duffy


Today starts Vocations Awareness Week, a week when we are asked to pray especially for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life and to pray for those currently studying in our seminary in Rome.

Sunday: The Coffee Morning takes place after Mass with the Noisy Nutters group running it this week. All welcome round to the Hall for bacon rolls etc

Wednesday: Afternoon Tea at the Gillis Centre from 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. in aid of the Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund. Tickets, priced £5.00, can be reserved by calling the Gillis Reception desk on 623.8911

Wednesday: The latest lecture in the Lauriston Jesuit Centre takes place at 7.30 p.m. on the theme ‘The Church and non-violence – Just Peace or Just War ?’ It will be given by Pat Gaffney, Secretary General of Pax Christi U.K. who recently attended a conference in Rome on this theme. Fuller details are on the poster in the porch.

Next Saturday/Sunday: There will be a retiral collection for the Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund, which looks after some of the costs of our retired priests will be taken up today. If you intend Gift Aiding your contribution please do not use the special collection envelope in your pack.  There is a special one to be used and which can be collected today after Mass.  You need to fill in the Gift Aid Declaration on the envelope even if you filled one in in June.

Diary Dates:

22nd September: The first of three meetings based on the booklet (Cluster Parishes Together) which was distributed earlier in the year. It is in St. Cuthbert’s. It will begin with teas and coffees at 7.00 p.m. and the meeting proper starting at 7.30 p.m. prompt, finishing at 9.00 p.m. At this meeting we are invited to do two things. Firstly to share what we feel works well together in our cluster of parishes and secondly to share what we think needs to continue to be done as a single parish. There is a flier giving details being distributed as you leave Mass this morning.

30th September: The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through widowhood, separation or divorce. It will take place at the Conforti Centre in Coatbridge. For further details please contact Ros on 0131.669.0003 or by email at rcm2524@yahoo.co.uk.

3rd October: Meeting of parents wishing to present their child for First Reconciliation in the course of the current school year. The children should be in P3 or above. It is at 6.30 p.m. in the Church Hall and it is important that parents be present. The children do not need to be there. If you have not obtained and completed the appropriate form either from the school or the sacristy please do so before this meeting which will be the last opportunity to register your child for the current session.

3rd October: Meeting of parents wishing to present their child for Confirmation and First Communion in the course of the current school year. The children should be in P4 or above. It is at 7.30 p.m. in the Church Hall and it is important that parents be present. The children do not need to be there. If you have not obtained and completed the appropriate form either from the school or the sacristy please do so before this meeting which will be the last opportunity to register your child for the current session.


Sacramental Preparation: Parents of children who do not attend St. Cuthbert’s Primary who wish their children to be presented for First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion must register their child as soon as possible but no later than 25th September.  There will be a parents’ meeting to explain what is involved in presenting their child and the work they will have to do with their children. Registration forms are available in the Sacristy.  Children who have not been registered by this date will have to wait until next year to be presented.


With every best wish and Blessing

To you, your families

and those who are dear to you

Monsignor Tony
