22nd Sunday of the Year (c)
Ordinary Season of the Year. (c)
Weekdays – Year 2
Sunday 28th August: 22nd Sunday of the Year. (c)
The first reading is from the Book of Ecclesiasticus. It sets the theme of today’s Mass – humility. The author praises the humble person as one who will find favour with God.
The second reading continues the extracts from the Letter to the Hebrews.It links two Mounts – Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. The first was where Israel encountered God in anj awesome and terrifying event which stressed the gap between God and his people. The second stands for the heavenly Jerusalem, the ultimate destination of every follower of Christ.
The Gospel passage links with the theme of humility. Jesus challenges his listeners and through them us as to how we live out our lives. Humility should be one of the pillars on which our lives are built. St. Augustine, whose feast we celebrated last week said ‘If you ask me what are the ways of God, I would tell you that the first is humility, the second is humility and the third is humility.’
Monday 29th August: Monday of the 22nd week of the year.
We have moved on to another of Paul’s letters, this time to the Corinthians. It is a response to a letter he had received from some Christians there asking for guidance especially against the false doctrine which was being peddled in the city. It comes from a section on faith and he reminds the Corinthians that they can never know God if they depend on human reasoning alone. The follower of Christ has to have the mind of Christ.
For the rest of the year we revert to St. Luke’s Gospel. We begin at the point where Jesus is about to launch his public mission but is sad because he cannot do this in his home town. The people cannot or will not believe in him and in his teaching.
Tuesday 30th August: Tuesday of the 22nd week of the year.
St. Paul continues his reflection on the need for faith and how it must depend on the power of God and not human philosophy. They must be spiritual people.
Following on Jesus reflections on his sadness at the lack of faith in his own neighbourhood but he then talks about how amazed he is at what he finds when he moves away. The people listen and are drawn to his teaching.
Wednesday 31st August: Wednesdayof the 22nd week of the year.
Paul now criticises the Corinthians for their behaviour, like people with no faith. They are dividing themselves into factions each following different teachers. He reminds them that they must be for Christ.
Jesus has made a great impact in the area around Capernaum. He uses to teach the apostles that they, too, will have to proclaim the Good News in other areas and towns also.
Thursday 1st September: Memorial of St. Giles.
Not much is known about this saint. It is certain that he was a monk, that he was known for his sanctity and generosity and that he settled wand was laid to rest in France. He never visited Scotland, yet a monastery under his patronage was in existence in Edinburgh by 1150 and at a later date a relic (his arm) was encased in a rich reliquary gifted by the city of Edinburgh. He died in 714
Friday 2nd September: Friday of the 22nd week of the year.
St Paul continues to try and encourage and inspire the Corinthians in their faith and in witnessing to Christ. He reminds them that they are entrusted, as stewards, with the mysteries of God to be passed on through what they say and what they do. He prays that they will be found worthy of that trust.
The Pharisees and the Scribes continue their campaign to trap Jesus and bring him down. Jesus is aware of their scheming and challenges them by drawing the parallel between what is old and what is new and how they can be mixed or not.
Saturday 3rd September: Memorial of St. Gregory the Great.
Gregory was born in 540 and came from an educated family in Rome. He lived in the sixth century and died in 604. Rome was under attack by barbarians. There were plagues and earthquakes. When his father died, Gregory distributed his estate among the poor of Rome and turned the family home into a monastery. He became a deacon, serving the Pope and became his emissary. When he became Pope he made sure everyone was treated with Justice. He took as one of his titles ‘the servant of the servants of God.’ Gregorian chant dates back to him, as does the calendar we use today. He is regarded as the Apostle of the English and sent St. Augustine of Canterbury to England to bring about its conversion.