18th Sunday of the Year (b)

18th Sunday of the Year. (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)


After 10.00 a.m. Mass on a Saturday or by arrangement.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Irene Callan, Assunta Santangeli., Monsignor Regan, Monsignor Rae, Father Tony MacDonald.

Died: Maria Capaldi

Anniv: Owen Brannigan, Phil Rowlinson.


Sunday: There will be no coffee mornings until after the holiday period since there are not enough volunteers to set them up and run them.

Today: The new readers’ and Eucharistic Ministers’ rotas are ready for collection. Please take your copy today since it comes into effect this weekend.

Today being the first weekend of the month there will be collection of foodstuffs for Fresh Start. Please only leave goods on these days.


New Altar Servers are required to build up the existing band of loyal servers. Boys and girls, especially those who have just been confirmed and made their First Communion, are very welcome to offer their services to the Parish in this way. It would be good to see some of them coming forward. All ages are welcome. Adults also are very welcome to volunteer for this important role in the Parish.

One or two have indicated that they would like to become servers so far. Please collect an information letter from the sacristy after Mass. There is still time to volunteer your services.

Church Cleaning: Due to retirements and other commitments the number of people involved in cleaning the Church has dropped drastically. It means that it will not be possible to clean the church on a weekly basis. It will now be cleaned every second week. In the meantime it would be helpful if you collected your own litter as you leave especially crisps, sweets etc and take it away with you.

If you wish to volunteer your services and would like further information please contact Jean O’Rourke on 443.4651

Situation Vacant: St. Joseph’s House in Gilmore Place have a vacancy for a part time R.G.N. nurse for night duties – three nights a week – 8.30 p.m. – 7.30 a.m. They are also looking for a volunteer for Reception Duties on alternate Saturdays from 2.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

In the first instance please contact Mary Lewis  Telephone No  0131 229 5672 or E-mail  Filecentre@aol.com for further details.

Holidays: If you are going away, I hope you have a safe journey and come back refreshed and relaxed. If you are staying at home, I hope you find some time to relax and take a break from your usual routine.

If you are a visitor, you are welcome to our Parish, our city and our country.


As the holiday season is now upon us will all Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers please remember to ensure they have arranged cover if they are going to be away. This is especially important when a visiting priest is here to celebrate Mass. Please use the ‘post its’ in the sacristy to let me know about any swaps you make.


The priest who made the following announcement seems to have been prepared for untoward results from his preaching: “There are some flowers here,” he said, “for those who are sick at the close of the service.”



With every best wish and blessing

To you, your families

And all those who are dear to you.

Monsignor Tony.