17th Sunday of the Year (c)

Ordinary Season of the Year.  (c)

Weekdays – Year 1



Sunday 28th July:                   17th Sunday of the Year. (c)

The first reading is from the Book of genesis.  We hear of the determination of Abraham who appeals to God on behalf of the people of Sodom. He argues and bargains with God on behalf of the innocent members of the community and his persistence  is rewarded.

In St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians we are reminded that through Baptism we begin to share fully in Christ’s death and Resurrection.  We die to the old sinful ways and rise to new life.

In the the Gospel we hear of Luke’s version of the Lord ’s Prayer which is shorter that Matthew’s.  It is given in response to the request from the apostles to teach them to pray.  Jesus also talks to them of the need of persistence, echoing Abraham in the first reading.

Monday 29th July:                 Memorial of St. Martha.

          Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus.  She is the patroness of innkeepers and hostels. It was to their home that Jesus was frequent visitor.  She was generous, hardworking who tended to get irritated when things didn’t work out quite so well.  She was a woman of deep faith and unbounded trust in the power of Jesus.

Tuesday 30th July:                  Tuesday in 17th week of the year.

          Moses was still trying to follow out God’s commands and form the People of Israel into the People of God. The Tent we read about was a sign of God’s presence as the one true God in their midst..  They can see Moses in dialogue with God on their behalf because they were still rebellious. He pleads for forgiveness.

Jesus explains a parable he had told earlier. It is another message to say that theyre will always be an opportunity to repent and turn to God’s ways.

Wednesday 31st July:                       Memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

He was born in 1491 in northern Spain and became an officer in the army. While convalescing after being shot, he read the lives of the saints and, as a result, was converted to a life of holiness. He tried to set up a missionary station in Palestine but was thrown out while at home he was viewed with suspicion by the church authorities.  He studied theology in Rome and in time formed the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, who placed themselves directly under the authority of the Pope, often being referred to as the Pope’s army. The Jesuits are outstanding in the reform of the Church.  Ignatius died in 1556 aged 65.

Thursday 1st August:             Memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguori

He was born in 1696 near Naples, becoming a very successful lawyer.  He had gained doctorates in both civil and canon law by the time he was 17.  He gave up the practice of the law in order to become a priest and was ordained in 1726.  He is the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists), whose main work is the preaching of missions and retreats.  He himself was a very popular preacher.  He became a Bishop in 1762 and gave himself totally to the service of his diocese before going back to his order and dying in 1787 at the age of 91.

Friday 2nd  August:                 Friday in 17th week of the year.

Moses tried to prepare the people for their new life in then Promised Land.  It was important that they should remember all the God had done for them so they were to have a number of feasts to commemorate the various events just as today we have our holy days.

Jesus goes ‘home’ and there meets with a lot of scepticism and disbelief.  As a result, he does not perform any miracles there but moves on.

Saturday 3rd August:             Saturday in 17th week of the year.

          The first reading is again from the Book of Leviticus – the section dealing with the rules for the priests. It talks of Jubilee celebration – on which our modern Holy Year celebrations are based.  It is to be celebrated every 50 years from the time of the Exodus and the priests were to ensure that no wrong was done to anyone especially a neighbour.

In the Gospel, we read the account of the martyrdom of John the Baptist. He died a witness to Jesus, as one who refused to compromise and was unafraid to challenge wrongdoing even in the highest authorities.