13th Sunday of the Year (b)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Season of the Year. (b)

Weekdays – Year 1

Sunday 28th June:        Thirteenth Sunday of the Year. (b)

The first reading today is from the Book of Wisdom. We are reminded that God is the author of life. He did not make us for death but for life now and the time to come.

In the second reading from the second Letter to the Corinthians, Paul encourages generosity in those who have a lot to share. He appeals for a generous response to a collection for the poor in Jerusalem.

The Gospel shows Jesus’ power and generosity by healing the woman with the haemorrhage and then raising the daughter of Jairus, a synagogue official.

Monday 29th June:                 Solemnity of St. Peter & St. Paul

We know from the Gospels that Peter was from Galilee, that his brother was Andrew, that he was married and that he was a fisherman. He is portrayed as a very impetuous man e.g. he said he would never betray Jesus. On the other hand, he was a man of great faith and determination. He was martyred in Rome in 64.

Paul, who was originally known as Saul, came from Tarsus and was brought up as a very strict Jew. He was also a Roman citizen. He was as scrupulous upholder of the Law and joined the Pharisees, becoming a ferocious persecutor of the early Christians. After his conversion experience on the road to Damascus, he became an very committed Christian, setting off on various missionary journeys. His story is found in the Acts of the Apostles and in the various letters he wrote to the early Christian communities. Tradition tells us he was martyred in Rome in 67.

Tuesday 30th June:                 Tuesday of the 13th week of the year.

          We return to the Book of Genesis. Lot and the other virtuous people are allowed to leave the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah before they are destroyed because of their unfaithfulness to God’s ways.

Jesus again reminds us, in the Gospel, of the need for faith if we are to truly follow him.

Wednesday 1st July:     Wednesday of the 13th week of the year.

          Now we hear about the birth of Isaac, born to Abraham and Sarah as God had promised. He would be the father of a great nation.

In the Gospel, we have the strange story of the demoniacs being cured and the devils ending up in the pigs – animals whose meat the Jews were forbidden to eat. We pray that evil may be uprooted from our hearts.

Thursday 2nd July:       Thursday of the 13th week of the year.

Abraham is given his greatest test of faith. He is asked to offer his only son as a sacrifice to God. He is on the point of agreeing to this test when God accepts he is truly a man of faith.

Behind many of the miracles of Jesus is a spiritual message. Today it is more explicit in the Gospel passage. He can forgive sins just as he can cure the paralytic

Friday 3rd July:             Memorial of St. Thomas.      

As so often happens, we learn little about St. Thomas other than the brief events mentioned in Gospels. He is chiefly remembered for his lack of faith in the Risen Jesus, refusing to accept the facts until he could see for himself. From doubting Thomas he becomes believing Thomas. Then he makes his great act of faith, ‘My Lord and My God.’ According to tradition he was martyred in India and Pope Paul VI declared him patron saint of India in 1972

Saturday 4th July:                  Saturday of the 13th week of the year.

We jump to the later days of Isaac’s life. He is now blind and wants to give a blessing to his first-born, Esau. Jacob deceives him into giving him the blessing instead. The blessing of the first-born is a critical act in the live of the people of Israel. It passes on the hereditary rights and obligations to the son, as heir.

Jesus is challenged again. While he is with his disciples, they will not fast. The time will come when they will. Everything has its place and time in God’s ways.



Father of all that lives and breathes,

your Son Jesus Christ touched people and

they were healed and they lived.

May he touch us with the warmth of his love

that our love may revive others

especially those who are suffering and are in need of any kind.

Through Christ our Lord.
