1st Sunday of Lent (b)

1st Sunday of Lent. (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Monday – Thursday)

7.00 p.m. (Friday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)


After Mass on Saturday morning.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Elizabeth Brown, Patricia Allison, Bridget Ferry, Margaret Bowen, Biddy Bonner, Nora Wood, Eddie Mulligan.

Anniv: James Hayes.

Died: Gloria Mann.


Today: If you did not collect your SCIAF materials last weekend there are still some left at the back of the Church.

Sunday: The Coffee morning takes place in the Hall after 10.00 a.m. Mass with the Noisy Nutters in charge. All welcome.

The monthly draw of the 200 Club will also take place in the Hall.

Sunday: Annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes at 3.00 p.m. in the Church. All welcome. Refreshments will be served in the Hall afterwards.

Sunday: A Remembering Service for all those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing in St. John the Baptist Church, 37 St. Ninian’s Road, Corstorphine at 5.00 p.m.

Monday: The first in a series of Lenten Reflections at the Lauriston Centre. This one is on the theme “Who Is My Neighbour? Their Story is Our Story – Immigrants in the Bible” and will be led by the renowned Scripture Scholar, Father Nicholas King S.J. He will be reflecting at what the Bible teaches about looking after foreigners and the marginalised: turning refugees into friends made in God’s image and likeness; the traps to avoid, the secret of getting it right. It begins at 7.30 p.m.

Tuesday: The next meeting of the Newman Society will take place at 7.30 p.m. at Mayfield Salisbury Church Hall, 18, West Mayfield, Edinburgh, EH9 1TQ. Fr. Jim Lawlor, a Glasgow Parish Priest, will speak on “Thou shalt not…!” – Negative pedagogy, pastoral ministry and ‘yes’ to life.”  

Wednesday: Safeguarding Training Level 1: a training session will take place in Our Lady’s Church Hall at 7.00p.m.  All newly approved volunteers are required to attend Level 1 training and some of you did it at St. Cuthbert’s last year.  There are some who could not make that session so must now come to a session.  Other volunteers are very welcome to attend.  The implications of not taking part in a training session are serious in that it means you would not be able to carry out the work for which you have volunteered.  If you cannot manage this one there are other opportunities through February, (10th February at the Cathedral Hall from 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. or 20th February from 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.)  If in doubt please ask.

Friday: First in a series of three sessions, led by Archbishop Cushley, entitled ‘Love Lent.’ It is for those in the 16 – 35 year age group and is being held at the Cathedral.  The first is entitled ‘The Three Pillars of Lent.’ Fuller details are on the poster and fliers at the back of the Church.

Next Saturday/Sunday: Launch of P.P.B.B. It will cost a£1.00 with the chance of winning £30.00. £29.00 will go to the Parish Project Fund. More details next weekend.

Next Sunday: Stations of the Cross & Benediction at 4.00 p.m. Any group of parishioners or any individual parishioners who would like to lead the reflection is welcome to do so. Just let me know which Sunday you would like to be involved in.

Diary Dates:

6th – 13th July: The annual Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Archbishop Cushley, will take place. 2018 marks the 160th anniversary of the apparitions. Booking is now open and I have some forms and information if you are interested. I have a limited supply in the sacristy. You can also find information at www.edinburgh-lourdes.com. You can also contact the travel agents direct at Tangney Tours, Pilgrim House, Station Court, Borough Green, Kent TN15 8AF (Tel. 0131.564.0644 or 0800.917.357) ) or email to info@tangney-tours.com).  Booking for the Saint-Frai Centre must be done through the Hospital Booking Secretary, 61 Hailes Gardens, Edinburgh EH13 0JN – Tel 0131.441.1939.

During Lent: Mass will be celebrated in the evening on one night during the week.  It will be on a different night each week.  Hopefully this will give an opportunity for those who cannot come to morning Mass to come along as part of their Lenten preparation.

A new readers’ rota is in the process of being prepared. If you would like to offer your services please contact Mary Mulligan or myself as soon as possible.


With every best wish and Blessing

To you, your families

and those who are dear to you,

Monsignor Tony.


‘Tell the children about God and His Saints.

During the holy time of Lent,

Speak to them of their suffering Saviour.

During Paschal time, of his glorious Resurrection.

During Christmas time, of His Birth.

You will see what a profound impression it will make on the minds of your children.’

(St. John Vianney)